
Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Finding time to write

This week's post on my favorite web comic/blog for writers, Will Write for Chocolate, was on finding time to write. Although the post is written by and for write-at-home moms, I still found the issues and tips applicable to my own predicament - particularly with Michael home 24/7, recovering from back surgery. Between taking care of Michael, taking care of housework (well, when I can), and doing everything else we do with both of us home, time to write is at a premium. It's ironic, too, because lately I'm getting more time to write than ever: already I've more than doubled my January income, and February isn't even over yet! I'm certainly facing a challenge: how to find time to write as a write-at-home girlfriend/caretaker (instead of a write-at-home mother).

Luckily, Michael is currently taking a nap. I'll see what I can get done while he sleeps (and hope that it doesn't make me sleepy too)...

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