
Saturday, July 25, 2015

Busier and busier

I have been counting down until the end of summer, and was so glad to have a week off coming up just before summer ends, but it turns out that's not to be: It turns out the kids' schedules changed since they gave me my schedule, and they never thought to change it with me until I asked.

I'm a bit disappointed, but I guess the extra hours can't hurt.  And I can handle another week, especially since summer is almost over.  What's one more week?

The unfortunate thing is that I'm scheduled to start working at the barn that week.  I had planned it that way so I could start during my week off, but I guess I'll just have to do two weeks of working really long days.  At least Camp NaNoWriMo will be over at that point, but even so, it'll be a mad rush right up until the end of summer.

I'm looking forward to my more relaxed school-year schedule.  I'm going to make a list of goals for the first couple weeks or two, and the first thing on that list is to get some extra sleep, since I've been so sleep deprived lately!

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