
Thursday, December 04, 2014

My first missed day of my writing challenge

Yesterday -- my second day, technically, of the 250 words writing challenge -- I had to skip work on my ebook.  After a long day I was almost completely bowled over with an allergy attack, so I took a Benadryl and watched Big Bang Theory (my newest favorite TV show that I'm marathoning) until I fell asleep.  I can't really be too mad at myself, since 1) Tuesday was so productive and 2) I didn't watch anything or take any down time for virtually the entire month of November.  So I was due for a bit of a break.

Now, the challenge is to write to your goal six days a week, so you are permitted to take a day off each week, unlike NaNoWriMo.  And Debbie is pretty clear that you shouldn't try to make up for a missed day by writing extra the next day, because you're more likely to keep running short that way, which causes your goal to snowball and quickly become unachievable.  The idea is to keep you writing by rewarding your successes, not to make you feel like a failure.

Today has been less productive so far than my Tuesday was, so I still have quite a few things to get done before I call it a night... but working on my ebook is definitely one of those things!

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