
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Back to normal

Yesterday was technically the kids' first day back to school, but they only had a half day, so I actually ended up working about the same day that I did all summer.  Today, therefore, is my first day back to my normal school-year schedule: I don't work until I pick the kids up from school at 3pm.

Yesterday and today I've been a bit on the rebound.  I had to get up early all summer, and didn't sleep as much as I'm used to.  Because I often work on the weekends too for other families, I didn't get many days to sleep in, either.  So yesterday and today I slept late -- yesterday just because I could, and this morning because I was up very late last night working on writing deadlines I'd been putting off at the end of last week.

It feels good to know my schedule is back to normal, even if I haven't yet had much time in the mornings.  Once I recover from summer, though, I won't sleep as late, and then I'll have plenty of time to work on my blogs, freelance work, and novels before I have to leave to pick the kids up from school.  I already have a daily schedule made up to try to keep me on task, which I will blog about in a future post.

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