
Saturday, January 12, 2008

Panama's Christmas present

Amy Derby recently blogged about Christmas with her rabbits. Her posts (and her crack about a "Christmas in July" post) reminded me that I had some similar posts I wanted to make. This one is about Panama's Christmas present; I'll post later on about the dogs' Christmas presents.

For Christmas I bought Panama a Jolly Ball to keep in his stall. The in-laws had one in their pasture when Panama was there, and it was cute to see his little donkey friend carry it around by the handle.

Unfortunately, I haven't had the pleasure yet of seeing Panama play with his Jolly Ball. It keeps moving, so I'm assuming he does. It also appears that he keeps trying to share his toy with his neighbor, since the ball often ends up in her run or under the fence between their runs.

Just recently, I decided to tie the Jolly Ball up on the fence. We'll see how they like that.

Next up: Grace and Emma's Christmas presents. (And for that one, I have pictures!)

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