
Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Working from home: Loathe it or love it?

I saw this post the other day and meant to share it much sooner:

The Awful Reality About Working From Home That None Of Us Work-From-Homers Want You To Know

As with all GIF lists these days, it's an entertaining post, especially for those who know what it's like to work from home.  But do you agree?

Personally, I found quite a bit of it to be pretty accurate.  Of course my other gigs and my horses keep me from never leaving the house, but I definitely find that I work at all hours (because why not?) and that I also get distracted more easily (which probably contributes to work at all hours, since then I need to catch up).  I definitely learn more than I sometimes want to about the habits of my neighbors during the day, and as for the mess of my desk -- well, long-time blog readers will remember the before and after pictures I've posted of cleaning my desk!

Despite all this, I love working from home, so I can't agree with the article there.  I like sleeping later, not dealing with rush hour, and working from my kitchen table while I drink my tea in the morning.  I also kind of like working in the evenings, which might make me a workaholic but also just might mean I'm not a morning person.

What about you?  What do you find to be true or untrue in this article?  What do you loathe and love best about working from home?

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