
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Goals check for the week of August 12

One more report of disappointing progress, but from there on out I think things will improve dramatically!  Already, two days into this wonderful week, I am getting lots done and having a great week.  I look forward to seeing what the rest of the week will bring.

Last week on the other hand wasn't so great.  It was the last week of my summer schedule, though, so I literally just gritted my teeth and rode it out...

1. Novels: I didn't get anything done on my novel until Sunday, when I had some ideas for future scenes and decided to write the scenes out while I was thinking of them.  I only worked on it for about 20 minutes that day, but I thought about it pretty much all day, and as a result I felt more "plugged in" to my novel's world than I had for weeks leading up to that.

2. Blogs and websites: No progress yet.

3. Other writing projects: No progress yet.

4. Books: Les Miz still on hold...

5. Horses: Rondo got shoes on Monday, as he was sore all the previous week (and was off all week as a result).  Immediately that day there was a dramatic improvement -- he no longer dragged 6 feet behind me when I walked him over the gravel driveway, something he has been doing since Day 1 at this barn -- and when my trainer rode him on Thursday (I was unable to be there), she said he was less lazy than usual, which was what we were hoping for.  Panama got slightly more activity -- he packed around the kids I take care of on Tuesday and Friday, and my nephew on Sunday.  I rode him a little bit myself each time, but not for very long.

It was a busy week and I really didn't get a lot done, but I was grateful for the few things I did get done.  My reduced nanny schedule will give me plenty of time to get back to work on my novel in the coming days and weeks, which I am really looking forward to.  There are some big changes on the horses front coming as well -- stay tuned for my next post!

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