
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Freelancers: Do you take minor holidays?

I couldn't help but notice that some of the writers' blogs I follow had new posts up on Monday, President's Day.  Michael got that day off from work, and since I've finally learned that I don't get any work done when he's home, anyway, I decided to just take the day off too.  Actually, we both took yesterday off as well, and enjoyed a long weekend together.

But this brings up an interesting point: Do you take minor holidays off, and if so, which ones?  It seems to me like many writers take fewer days off than other people, so I'm curious what holidays my readers take.  I really only take the holidays that Michael gets off, because as I said, it's really difficult to try to work while he's at home.  I think if I had kids at home, I would probably also take the minor holidays that the schools recognize.

What about you?


Lori said...

I do when the rest of the country does. Presidents Day was really slow, so I took the afternoon for myself. The morning was spent getting some much-needed organizing done and one client project.

Katharine Swan said...

Good point -- if I'd had a ton of work, I probably wouldn't have taken off that day. All depends on what the clients are doing.


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